How to quit sugar for good

There is a misconception that fat makes us fat, but it’s really sugar that we should be concerned with.

Sugar will give you temporary energy, only to leave you tired a few hours later. It’s loaded with empty calories, and you will never be satisfied..always craving more.

It tastes good, I know, but it causes inflammation in the body, weakens our immune system and fuels cancer. It’s addictive and we should avoid it as much as possible.

Here are my tips on how to cut back:

1. Ditch Sugary Drinks – Sodas and juice carry a lot of added sugar. There are about 40 grams of sugar in one can of soda. Instead swap it for a soda water with lime, unsweetened green tea, or a green juices. This is healthier and will save a lot of calories in the long run.

2. Eat Complex Carbs, not Simple – The energy from a muffin or donut does not sustain you throughout the day. Instead choose whole grain foods, nuts, sweet potatoes, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates boost metabolism and keep you satisfied longer.

3. Limit Sauces, Salad Dressings, and Toppings – These also have a lot of hidden sugar. Instead, add a little balsamic vinaigrette and olive oil or get dressings and sauces on the side.

4. Read Food Labels –  Look for brown sugar, corn syrup, maltose, fructose, dextrose, molasses, agave, brown rice syrup, cane sugar, cane syrup, and evaporated cane juice. These are all just other ways of saying “sugar.”

5. Cut Back on Table Sugar. Gradually reducing the amount of sugar you add to your drinks and meals will help you to adjust and eventually get ride of cravings.

6. Just Don’t Buy Them – Avoid going to the grocery store hungry. When we are hungry, we tend to make bad choices by buying junk food. Instead, stock your refrigerator with foods rich in fiber, protein and healthy fats that will make you feel more satiated.

7. Fruits are Good For You – Fruits are rich in fiber, and nutrients that will help control sugar cravings.

8. Eat a Healthy Breakfast –  Never skip the most important meal of the day. What you eat in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Take the time to make something healthy such as avocado toast, oatmeal, or scrambled eggs.

9. Use Spices and Herbs – Cinnamon, vanilla extract, ginger, and nutmeg. These can all be added to your meals and will offer a sweet taste with no extra calories.

10. Don’t be Too Hard on Yourself – You can have a treat once-in-a-while, just do so in moderation. When it comes to health, make one change at a time and don’t give up.

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